Local Pro Home Services is focus on provide the best possible customer services to home owners in the Sacramento County. We will continue to provide services like Solar Panel Cleaning to commercial and residential property owners in the Sacramento Valley area.
Our solar cleaning service is provided almost free when having your gutters cleaned.
Why solar panel cleaning is necessary.
Solar panels generate their electricity when sunlight hits them. Solar panel efficiency, and electricity generation process , is dramatically influenced when exposure of solar cells to sunlight is reduced by dirt, bird droppings, and other air born particles. By cleaning them you can significantly increase the solar panel energy output. Accumulated of dirt on the solar panel glass, acts as a coating that reduces exposure to sunlight which influencing negatively solar panel efficiency and operational lifetime. Performing effective solar panel cleaning can greatly improve solar panel efficiency. Cleaning them every 3 months can improvement energy generation by 50%. Imagine a solar panel that has been operating without any cleaning for a whole year. Now think about how your car would look after not cleaning it all year. Would you be able to see through the windows? Probably not, in this way sunlight can't get through to the solar cell and be converted to energy. Cleaning your solar panels after a year, may double their output.
The cost of solar panel cleaning.
If you're trying to calculate the cost of cleaning your solar panels on your home, you must first consider the equivalent extra income in the production on energy from of cleaned solar panels vs no cleaned. Considering that properly cleaned and maintained solar panels will produce approximately 30% more electricity than ‘dirty’ solar panels it is easy to understand the economics.
It's an easy equation does a solar panel cleaner charge you less than the amount you earn in addition energy production by maintaining your solar panels clean. In general, if you are having a rough time cleaning your solar panels yourself, it is advisable to seek professional help. Since solar panel cleaning can influence solar panel efficiency it is directly affecting the economic performance of your solar panel investment.
Frequency of solar panel cleaning
Cleaning your solar panels of the accumulated dirt and filth is the goal. So you may find that a dirt-coat on your solar panels collects after 2 months than you would want to have them cleaned every 3 months. In general you may cleaning your solar panels depending on the weather conditions and circumstances of your location. It is recommended to schedule cleaning your solar panels around twice a year aiming at a 15%-16% increased output compared to the case of leaving them uncleaned. Of course this is subject to location specific circumstances such as pollution from factories or airports or from ‘dirty’ landscape. Bird life can in some cases halt energy production completely, if birds are a problem seek other additional steps to remove them.
You should schedule your solar panel cleaning by monitoring your solar panels’ performance before and after cleaning them. This way you will be able to establish the best time and season for cleaning your solar panels as well as how often you should clean them.